
Jay-Z's "Death of Autotune"

All day I heard people hyping this damn song up. From the title I knew what it was, it was the same thing that everyone does these days, either they make a hot song, or a regular song with a hot title (Ex. Hip-Hop is Dead, one of Nas'es worst albums and yet it sold because of the title). Forgive me for all the DJ crap on the song but remember that it was just released like... an hour ago.

Here are my takes on it... He STILL finds a way to bite biggy lines in the track... = lame...

He makes lines referencing people with tight jeans and bright colors..but in the end he really didn't say enough to do anything... it was a waste of time, honestly. Just showing how weakly phased the industry is right now.

oh yeah, on top of that... after all the shit hot 97 talked, after they aired the jay-z track they played "fuck every girl in the world" "best i ever had" and them some other autotune'd track i've never heard of.

i don't get it.

also, i talked to cham about it and he repliedddddd haha, im hype..


heres your jay-z death of autotune download


I'm soooo close to finishing destructo diskkkkkk. sammy j, what up?

1 comment:

yvonne said...

hmmm... i never thought about it that way.
when i think about it, not EVERY autotuned song is garbage. i mean, i played the mess outta kanye's 808 album. & the whole thing was autotuned.

anywho, good post